martes, 24 de marzo de 2015

Preguntas 1º ESO Tercera Evaluación

Unit 5. Sparsely populated environment

Task 1. What are the polar regions like?
Task 2. What is the high mountain area like?
Task 3. What is the landscape in the desert like?
Task 4. What is life in deserts like?
Task 5. What is the landscape and the way of life in the jungle like?

Task 1
  1. Main features in the two polar areas.
  2. The Arctic region is in the northern hemisphere, and the Antarctic one is in the southern hemisphere; a) which are their climates?
  3. Why do we say that the polar climate is dry?
  4. What’s the difference between the Arctic region and the Antarctica one?
  5. What and where is the “pack ice”? bancos de hielo
  6. What and where is the “inlandsis”?
  7. Where can we find the ‘tundra’?
  8. You would say that people live in the Arctic region? And in the Antarctica one?
  9. What is the purpose of the Washington Treaty (1961)?

Task 2
  1.  How is the precipitation in winter in a high mountain climate?
  2. Say three sites, at least, and their continents, with high mountain climate.
  3. What do happen to temperature when altitude increases?
  4. What do happen to rains when altitude increases?
  5. What is the reason to terracing of vegetation and crops in levels?
  1. Make the relation between the temperate zone and the people living in the mountains.
  2. Make the relation between the hot zone and the people living in the mountains.

Task 3
  1. Say the types of deserts, and what are made of.
  2. Say the types of deserts, according to temperature, and where are they? Examples.
  3. Explain the main feature of the desert climate.
  4. Define what aridity is.
  5. What about vegetation in deserts?
  6. What about fauna in deserts?

Task 4
  1. What types of population have coexisted in deserts? Features and examples.
  2. The nomadic population. Examples.
  3. The sedentary population. Examples.
  4. Explain the exploitation of the desert.

Task 5.  The jungle
  1.  Explain how the rivers are in the Equator and why. Examples.
  2. Organization of the vegetation in the jungle.
  3. What the jungle is?
  4. Why the diseases are frequent in these spaces? Any more consequence?
  5. How the interior lands are? Explain the peoples who live here (where, and their activities)
  6. Explain the traditional and itinerant agriculture
  7. Explain the plantation agriculture
  8. What types of agriculture do you know in the jungle?

Unit 6 Highly populated environment

Task 1 What is the savannah like?
  1. Make the relation between tropical rivers and the seasons. One example, at least.
  2. The tropical climate is located…, and it is characterized by…, and                            precipitations.
  3. Could we say it is raining along the year in the savannah? Why?
  4. Define the savannah
  5. What can we find between the desert and the savannah (transitional zone), and which is made up?
  6. The rural population can be in the savannah… Examples from one of them, at least.
  7. Define extensive agriculture. (see the picture page 82)
  8. Define polyculture. (see the picture page 82)
  9. The increase in population in the savannah makes…, which is causing the…

Task 2. What is monsoon Asia like?
  1.  There are                 types of monsoon winds:                                                  
  2. The winter monsoon is                    and                
  3.  The winter monsoon blows from                           to                    . (places)
  4. The summer monsoon is    hot                  and     humid             .
  5.  The summer monsoon goes from the ocean      to the continent. (places)
  6.  What happens to summer monsoon when hitting the Himalayas?
  7. The monsoons in this area do make alternate…(efectos estacionales)
  8. What about population in this area? Its activity.(sudeste asiático)
  9. The irrigated agriculture…
  10. The intensive agriculture…
  11. What the rural exodus is? What is the effect? What are they looking for?(Todo ello en el sudeste asiático)

Task 3 What is the temperate oceanic domain like?
  1.  Where we can find the oceanic or Atlantic climate? Summers and winters are…
  2. The temperatures are…because of the influence of…
  3. The human occupation is favoured thanks to…
  4. Define what a metropolitan area is
  5. What’s the meaning of “fields enclosed”?
  6. What is a specialized production?

Task 4 What is the temperate continental domain like?
  1.  The continental climate is extreme. Explain why.
  2. Explain the natural vegetation of this domain. (3 types)
  3. Explain the distribution of the population in these regions
  4. What’s the meaning of “open fields”?

Task 5 What is the temperate Mediterranean domain like?
  1.  Explain the Mediterranean climate.
  2. Explain the traditional agriculture in the Mediterranean domain:

Unit 7. The continents: Physical survey

Task 1: What is the landscape in Africa like?
  1. The three units in the African relief.
  2. Limits of the Great African Plateau.
  3. Say the mountain systems in Africa. (4)
  4. Explain the Watershed Rivers in Africa. Say the main rivers.

Task 2 What is the landscape in America like?
  1. The American relief is divided into (3 types). Say one example of each one, and where it is.
Meseta: Plateau
Llanura: Plain
Montaña: Mountain
Cordillera: Chain
Colina: Hill

  1. Which are the climates in America?
  2. Say the Watershed Rivers in America. Say the main rivers.

Task 3 What is the landscape in Asia like?
  1. What kind of relief we can distinguish in Asia, where? Write examples
  2. Say the climates in Asia, and where are they.
  3. Would you say temperate climates in Asia are subdivided? Explain it. If so, where?
  4. Which are the watersheds you know in Asia? With their examples.

Task 4 What is the landscape in Europe like?
  1.  What kind of relief we can distinguish in Europe?
  2. What kind of relief we can distinguish in Europe, where? Write examples.
  3. Say the climates in Europe, and where are they.
  4. Which are the watersheds you know in Europe? With their examples.

Unit 8: Spain: landscape

Task 1 The relief in Spain
  1. What about the mountain systems in the Iberian Peninsula?
  2. Systems which cross the Plateau.
  3. Systems which surround the Plateau
  4. Systems which are situated on the periphery of the Plateau
  5. Which is the “insular Spain”?
  6. Explain the relief of the Insular Spain.
  7. Which is the “non peninsular” and “non insular” Spain?

Task 2 Atlantic Spain landscape
  1. Atlantic Spain extends from                       to                                           
  2. The mountain systems in Atlantic Spain are                                           , and they are in                                                       (each one)
  3. Could we find “cliffs” in Atlantic Spain? Why?
  4. How are temperatures in Atlantic Spain and why?
  5. Say the main rivers in Atlantic Spain. Where are they?

Task 3 Mediterranean Spain landscape
  1.  The main mountain systems are:                                                 ,and they are (each one) in                                               
  2. How the temperature in the Mediterranean Spain is?
  3. Say the main rivers in the coastal Mediterranean Spain. Where are they?

Task 4 Mediterranean inland landscape
  1.  Inland Spain extends through…
  2. The Central Plateau is crossed and surrounded by…
  3. La Mancha is…
  4. In the interior of the peninsula prevails the climate                                 , and its temperatures are               .                       in summer, and                                                         in winter.
  5. Say the main rivers in the Mediterranean inland Spain. Where are they?

Task 5 Canary Islands landscape
  1.  The Canary Islands archipelago consists of…(7 main islands)
  2. Explain the difference between western islands and eastern islands in the Canary Islands.
  3. Explain the difference between winter and summer in the Canary Islands, and why.
  4. Explain the existence of rivers in the Canary Islands.

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